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Machines have a language, but no emotion. - John McPhee Maybe soon. Machines are a thought created by humans. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Being dependent on a machine is to stop thinking. - Edward Abbey. To oppose the machine is to oppose progress. - Henry Ford. Machine is the most powerful tool a person can have. - Thomas Edison. The person using the machine is more important than the machine. - Elbert Hubbard. Machine is a helper that enhances our power, but not an intelligent guide. - Christian Lous Lange. Machine is a blind power; human free will is the only thing that controls it. - Frank Lloyd Wright. What humans make is more important than what machines produce. - John Ruskin. Machine is a means, not an end. - Edward Abbey. Machine is a tool that makes life easier for humans, but it doesn't make humans easier. - Albert Einstein. Machines should be used to prolong life, but they are not life itself. - Calvin Coolidge. The invention of the machine has made humanity more productive, but it has not made them happier. - Albert Schweitzer. No matter how difficult the job may be for a person, they should try to invent machines to do it. - Nikola Tesla. The age of machines is the greatest progress known to humanity since the beginning of time. - Henry Ford. The machine is a result of human creativity. - Mustafa İnan. Working with machines doubles your power. - Sam Walton. The machine puts the powers of nature at the service of man. - Arthur C. Clarke. The machine saves time. - Benjamin Franklin. The machine is a tool used to discover the hidden secrets of nature. - Ernst Mach. Machines make work faster, more accurate, and more efficient. - H. L. Hunt. The machine is a product of human intelligence, and it puts the powers of nature at his service. - Alexander Graham Bell. The machine increases man's power to change nature. - Karl Marx. Machine is the pinnacle of creativity and technology. - Ayn Rand. Machine is a great power in the hands of humans. - Henry Ward Beecher. Machine is the realization of human thought. - Thomas Edison. Without machines, there can be no industry. - Charles Babbage. Machine is not a tool, but an expression of human intelligence. - John Ruskin . Machines learn faster than humans. - Elon Musk. A machine can do anything it has learned. - Alan Turing. Machine is one of the greatest inventions created by humans. - Grace Hopper. Machine is a tool that helps improve human life, not something that will replace humans. - Samuel Morse. Machines can accomplish things that humans couldn't even imagine. - Ada Lovelace. Machine is a tool that makes human work easier, not something that will replace humans. - Stephen Morse. Machines are one of the most important and useful things in our lives. - Stephen Hawking. Machine is a wonder created by human intelligence. - Nikola Tesla. Machine is the tangible form of human creativity and inventions. - Erol Gelenbe. Machine is a tool that humans can use to make their lives easier and better. - George Westinghouse. ALL THINGS THAT WE SEE IS THE ART OF THE MACHINES SONER FARUK CENGIZ. CONTROLLING THE MACHINE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MAKING IT JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES.

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